Who among us hasn't wanted to change their name at least once in their life? Well, here we are again at the name game tables after input from all of you. The name "Backgammon Winning Women" didn't work for many of you. So, back to the name tables we went, and our new name (and final!) is "Women's World of Backgammon."
Our following over the last year has increased globally by leaps and bounds. At our last online event, where ZZ talked about doubling cubes, we had our largest turnout yet. Many of the attendees were from across the pond.
And then there is our sponsorship of the WBIF World Women’s Championship (500 added Euros in prize money) and coverage of the WBIF World Women’s Team Championship. Karen was instrumental in advocating for both signature events as a member of the Board of the World Backgammon Federation.
We did run this name by a number of you who were around us at the recent Capital Classic tournament in the Washington DC area, and it received a resounding thumbs up.
So, this is it. In stone. And now we can move on and start adding programs and exciting additions to what we do.
Thank you for your honest feedback. We do appreciate it when those who support our efforts let us know what is working and what is not.
We’re working on a bit of review from this past year and our commitment to 2024 and some new programs and increased options for women joining the tournament playing field. We’ll share what we have in January!
--Karen Davis & Christine Merser, co-founders, Women's World of Backgammon