Tatiana Morgan of Brisbane, Australia, heard about the Women’s World of Backgammon (WWB) Peer Coaching program and promptly asked for a Peer Coach. While she missed getting assigned one in the first round of matches, she was invited to participate in a Peer Coaching Clinic with Karen Davis, co-founder of WWB. Karen invites women for whom Peer Coaches aren’t yet available to join together playing a Consultation Match on Heroes.BackgammonStudio.com.
Their first session took place on Friday, February 23. Lisa Speer and Yvonne Dalpay of Palm Beach, FL, who play in Karen’s Sunny Florida Backgammon Club, joined in. Within minutes of joining the Zoom call, Tatiana found she had much in common with Lisa and Yvonne. She formerly lived in Jupiter, Florida, just north of Palm Beach, and remembers her time living there fondly, in part because her son was born there!
Yvonne volunteered to play a short consultation match with Tatiana on Heroes with Karen commenting on different cube and checker decisions they were considering. Their friendship blossomed quickly! Tatiana vowed to make the journey to South Florida on a planned trip to the U.S. in late April.
The next day, Tatiana went on to win the Intermediate Division of the Australian Gold Coast Summer Championship – a first for her! It would be a stretch to say that one teaching session made the difference, but it was definitely a boost in confidence! We look forward to more interaction with Tatiana as she joins a worldwide network of women committed to improving their backgammon game!